Elements of Wolfram Enterprise Private Cloud

Compute engine
The Wolfram Engine is licensed per number of simultaneous uses (with each use enabled to invoke kernels to support parallelization).

Excel interface
Call deployed APIs directly from Excel using standard formula syntax—no local Wolfram kernel required. Find out more »

Web interfaces
Provides an interactive web interface to the language, permitting creation of applications, application interfaces and fully interactive 3D graphics.

License tool
Permits the verification of license installation and license validity for the Wolfram Engines as well as a standalone Mathematica configuration instance.

API interfaces
All language components as well as custom created routines can be accessed via generated web APIs that are created with a single command.

Authentication system
Users are self-provisioned and restricted via specified subdomain.

Setup/Installation notebook
Configured via an easy-to-use and fully documented Wolfram Notebook.

Master node
The main, all-encompassing VM that contains all core services and licensing.

The virtual machine (VM) image can be updated at any time by an updater utility to take advantage of new capabilities and features as they are added to the product.

Compute node*
In a larger-scale environment, compute nodes contain the Wolfram Engine and allow users to be distributed appropriately. *Coming soon
Included Platforms

Development Platform
Designed as a traditional code development environment, familiar to users of other languages.

Mathematica Online
Familiar interface for Mathematica desktop users, optimized for explorations and education.

Mobile interface
Direct accessibility to your applications via iOS and Android mobile apps.

Desktop interface
Direct access through Wolfram Desktop to your applications across Windows, Mac and Linux.
Deployment Options

Application host (direct to user)
Deploy and distribute a Wolfram Language application direct to any audience at any scale (includes form-based, notebook and linguistic interfaces).

Computation center
Act as a computational processing hub for data and computations receiving and sending via the Wolfram Language API.

Embedded application (via another service)
Embed a deployed Wolfram Language application into another web environment to incorporate computational and analytical power.

Hosted reporting
Ad hoc, scheduled or triggered interactive reporting delivered online or through client services.

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