Highlighted Core Areas
All included in Wolfram Language and carefully integrated to work perfectly together.

Machine Learning


Image Computation

Calculus & Algebra



Geometric Computation


Audio Computation

Video Computation



Control Systems

Signal Processing

Mathematical Functions

User Interfaces

Tools for AIs
Complete Scope & Documentation
Core Language & Structure
List ▪ Table ▪ Array ▪ Association ▪ Range ▪ Total ▪ Differences ▪ Count ▪ Subdivide ▪
KeySortBy ▪ SparseArray ▪ NumericArray ▪ Tuples ▪ NestList ▪ Part ▪ First ▪ Last ▪ Take ▪ Drop ▪
TakeList ▪ Extract ▪ Append ▪ ReplacePart ▪ Select ▪ Cases ▪ Length ▪ Position ▪ MemberQ ▪
DeleteDuplicates ▪ Nothing ▪ Splice ▪ Flatten ▪ Join ▪ Partition ▪ Transpose ▪ Reverse ▪ Sort ▪
Split ▪ Gather ▪ Riffle ▪ Insert ▪ Delete ▪ Map ▪ Apply ▪ MapApply ▪ MapIndexed ▪ Scan ▪ Thread ▪
MapThread ▪ Outer ▪ FoldList ▪ Threaded ▪ AllTrue ▪ AnyTrue ▪ NoneTrue ▪ ContainsAll ▪
ContainsNone ▪ ContainsAny ▪ ContainsOnly ▪ ContainsExactly ▪ CountDistinct ▪ BinCounts ▪
SequenceCount ▪ Column ▪ Row ▪ Grid ▪ ListPlot ▪ ArrayPlot ▪ Import ▪ Export ▪ Counts ▪ GroupBy ▪
PositionIndex ▪ Function ▪ SlotSequence ▪ Slot ▪ MapAt ▪ MapAll ▪ BlockMap ▪ SubsetMap ▪ Nest ▪
NestGraph ▪ Fold ▪ SequenceFold ▪ SequenceFoldList ▪ FoldPair ▪ FoldWhile ▪ FixedPoint ▪
FixedPointList ▪ NestWhile ▪ NestWhileList ▪ TakeWhile ▪ LengthWhile ▪ SortBy ▪ MaximalBy ▪
SplitBy ▪ GatherBy ▪ CountsBy ▪ Identity ▪ Composition ▪ ReverseApplied ▪ Operate ▪ Through ▪
OperatorApplied ▪ CurryApplied ▪ String ▪ Longest ▪ Shortest ▪ Except ▪ Whitespace ▪
NumberString ▪ Lookup ▪ Missing ▪ DeleteMissing ▪ SelectFirst ▪ Union ▪ TakeLargest ▪
TakeSmallest ▪ TakeLargestBy ▪ URLEncode ▪ URLDecode ▪ URLBuild ▪ URLParse ▪ Parallelize ▪
ParallelMap ▪ ParallelTable ▪ Compile ▪ CompilationTarget ▪ RemoteEvaluate
Data Manipulation & Analysis
Total ▪ Min ▪ Max ▪ Mean ▪ Variance ▪ StandardDeviation ▪ Median ▪ Quantile ▪ Rescale ▪ Clip ▪
Covariance ▪ Histogram ▪ Normalize ▪ Standardize ▪ Accumulate ▪ Differences ▪ Threshold ▪
MovingAverage ▪ ExponentialMovingAverage ▪ MovingMedian ▪ MovingMap ▪ ArrayFilter ▪
Interpolation ▪ Fit ▪ FindFit ▪ ListConvolve ▪ ListCorrelate ▪ ListDeconvolve ▪ Fourier ▪
InverseFourier ▪ GaussianFilter ▪ LaplacianFilter ▪ WienerFilter ▪ MedianFilter ▪
DiscreteWaveletTransform ▪ WaveletThreshold ▪ DeleteAnomalies ▪
SynthesizeMissingValues ▪ DeleteMissing ▪ Missing ▪ FindPeaks ▪ EstimatedBackground ▪
FindRepeat ▪ FindTransientRepeat ▪ SmoothHistogram ▪ QuantilePlot ▪ BoxWhiskerChart ▪
Dendrogram ▪ FindClusters ▪ ClusteringTree ▪ EstimatedDistribution ▪
EmpiricalDistribution ▪ Probability ▪ LinearModelFit ▪ NonlinearModelFit ▪
GeneralizedLinearModelFit ▪ RandomReal ▪ RandomInteger ▪ RandomVariate ▪ RandomChoice ▪
LeastSquares ▪ FindFormula ▪ Span ▪ Keys ▪ Values ▪ Select ▪ SelectFirst ▪ Count ▪ Sort ▪
SortBy ▪ Union ▪ DeleteDuplicates ▪ TakeLargest ▪ TakeSmallest ▪ TakeLargestBy ▪
TakeSmallestBy ▪ Lookup ▪ MissingBehavior ▪ Insert ▪ Delete ▪ Append ▪ Take ▪ Drop ▪ TabView ▪
MenuView ▪ Association ▪ AssociationMap ▪ AssociationThread ▪ Counts ▪ CountsBy ▪ GroupBy ▪
PositionIndex ▪ Import ▪ SemanticImport ▪ ListPlot ▪ ListLinePlot ▪ ListStepPlot ▪
StackedListPlot ▪ ListLogPlot
Visualization & Graphics
ListPlot ▪ ListPlot3D ▪ ArrayPlot ▪ ReliefPlot ▪ MatrixPlot ▪ Histogram3D ▪ QuantilePlot ▪
PieChart3D ▪ BubbleChart3D ▪ WordCloud ▪ ImageCollage ▪ TreePlot ▪ Dendrogram ▪
AngularGauge ▪ TimelinePlot ▪ HorizontalGauge ▪ AnatomyPlot3D ▪ ContourPlot3D ▪
WaveletScalogram ▪ CandlestickChart ▪ GeoRegionValuePlot ▪ LayeredGraphPlot ▪ Grid ▪
Row ▪ Callout ▪ PlotLegends ▪ DateHistogram ▪ ParametricPlot3D ▪ Manipulate ▪ Animate ▪
ListLinePlot ▪ ListStepPlot ▪ StackedListPlot ▪ ListLogPlot ▪ ListLogLinearPlot ▪
ListLogLogPlot ▪ ListPolarPlot ▪ ListPointPlot3D ▪ ListLinePlot3D ▪ ListDensityPlot ▪
ListDensityPlot3D ▪ ListContourPlot ▪ ListContourPlot3D ▪ ListSliceDensityPlot3D ▪
ListSliceContourPlot3D ▪ ListCurvePathPlot ▪ ListSurfacePlot3D ▪ ArrayPlot3D ▪
RadialAxisPlot ▪ ParallelAxisPlot ▪ PointValuePlot ▪ FeatureSpacePlot ▪
FeatureSpacePlot3D ▪ DateListPlot ▪ DateListLogPlot ▪ DateListStepPlot ▪
StackedDateListPlot ▪ ListVectorPlot ▪ ListStreamPlot ▪ ListVectorPlot3D ▪
ListStreamPlot3D ▪ ListSliceVectorPlot3D ▪ GraphPlot ▪ ClusteringTree ▪ BarChart ▪
PieChart ▪ BubbleChart ▪ BarChart3D ▪ Histogram ▪ BoxWhiskerChart ▪ VerticalGauge ▪
Column ▪ Multicolumn ▪ GraphicsGrid ▪ GraphicsRow ▪ ImageAssemble ▪ GeoListPlot ▪
GeoSmoothHistogram ▪ NumberLinePlot ▪ DiscretePlot ▪ WaveletListPlot ▪
WaveletMatrixPlot ▪ ChromaticityPlot ▪ ChromaticityPlot3D ▪ Frame
Machine Learning
Classify ▪ Predict ▪ ActivePrediction ▪ SequencePredict ▪ Nearest ▪ FindFit ▪
FindClusters ▪ FeatureExtraction ▪ FeatureSpacePlot ▪ FeatureImpactPlot ▪
AnomalyDetection ▪ DimensionReduction ▪ MissingValueSynthesis ▪ NetModel ▪ NetTrain ▪
NetGraph ▪ LinearLayer ▪ ConvolutionLayer ▪ AttentionLayer ▪ ImageIdentify ▪ ImageCases ▪
FindFaces ▪ TextRecognize ▪ ImageGraphics ▪ FindTextualAnswer ▪ LanguageIdentify ▪
TextStructure ▪ TextCases ▪ SpeechRecognize ▪ AudioIdentify ▪ SpeechCases ▪
SpeakerMatchQ ▪ PitchRecognize ▪ NetChain ▪ NetMeasurements ▪ NetPort ▪ NetPortGradient ▪
NetStateObject ▪ NetTrainResultsObject ▪ ThreadingLayer ▪ AggregationLayer ▪
SoftmaxLayer ▪ NetReplacePart ▪ NetInitialize ▪ NetTake ▪ NetAppend ▪ NetReplace ▪
NetFlatten ▪ NetEncoder ▪ NetDecoder ▪ DecisionTree ▪ Markov ▪ NaiveBayes ▪
NearestNeighbors ▪ KMeans ▪ Multinormal ▪ Linear ▪ UMAP ▪ ClassifierFunction ▪
ClassifierMeasurements ▪ PredictorFunction ▪ PredictorMeasurements ▪
TrainImageContentDetector ▪ TrainTextContentDetector ▪ ContentDetectorFunction ▪
SequencePredictorFunction ▪ BayesianMinimization ▪ ActiveClassification ▪
ActiveClassificationObject ▪ ActivePredictionObject ▪ NearestNeighborGraph ▪
LinearModelFit ▪ LogitModelFit ▪ NonlinearModelFit ▪ GeneralizedLinearModelFit ▪
ProbitModelFit ▪ TimeSeriesModelFit ▪ Interpolation ▪ FindFormula
Symbolic & Numeric Computation
Solve ▪ NSolve ▪ DSolve ▪ NDSolve ▪ Integrate ▪ AsymptoticSolve ▪ NIntegrate ▪ NMinimize ▪
Simplify ▪ FullSimplify ▪ FunctionExpand ▪ Expand ▪ Factor ▪ Reduce ▪ Series ▪ Coefficient ▪
Exponent ▪ Part ▪ Numerator ▪ Denominator ▪ Collect ▪ Together ▪ Apart ▪ Cancel ▪ AddSides ▪
SubtractSides ▪ MultiplySides ▪ DivideSides ▪ ApplySides ▪ PowerExpand ▪ ComplexExpand ▪
TrigExpand ▪ RootReduce ▪ ComplexityFunction ▪ Equal ▪ Element ▪ PossibleZeroQ ▪ Refine ▪
Assuming ▪ ForAll ▪ Integers ▪ Reals ▪ TraditionalForm ▪ FindRoot ▪ SolveValues ▪
NSolveValues ▪ ParametricNDSolve ▪ AsymptoticDSolveValue ▪ RSolve ▪ RecurrenceTable ▪
AsymptoticRSolveValue ▪ FindInstance ▪ LinearSolve ▪ FrobeniusSolve ▪ LyapunovSolve ▪
DiscreteLyapunovSolve ▪ RiccatiSolve ▪ DiscreteRiccatiSolve ▪ ContourPlot ▪
ContourPlot3D ▪ RegionPlot ▪ RegionPlot3D ▪ D ▪ Dt ▪ ImplicitD ▪ Grad ▪ Div ▪ Curl ▪ Laplacian ▪
CoordinateChartData ▪ Limit ▪ MinLimit ▪ MaxLimit ▪ Minimize ▪ Maximize ▪ Sum ▪ Product ▪
DifferenceQuotient ▪ DifferenceDelta ▪ DiscreteLimit ▪ NSum ▪ AsymptoticIntegrate ▪
AsymptoticSum ▪ LaplaceTransform ▪ FourierTransform ▪ Convolve ▪ DiracDelta ▪ Normalize ▪
Orthogonalize ▪ FunctionRange ▪ FunctionDomain ▪ FunctionInjective ▪ FunctionPeriod ▪
ArcLength ▪ Area ▪ Volume ▪ RegionDistance ▪ Derivative ▪ DifferentialRoot ▪
DSolveChangeVariables ▪ IntegrateChangeVariables ▪ NMaximize ▪ FindMaximum ▪ FindFit ▪
Higher Mathematical Computation
Erf ▪ BesselJ ▪ BesselK ▪ AiryAi ▪ EllipticK ▪ LegendreP ▪ ChebyshevT ▪ HermiteH ▪
LaguerreL ▪ SpheroidalS1 ▪ JacobiSN ▪ WeierstrassP ▪ Zeta ▪ PolyLog ▪
EllipticTheta ▪ Hypergeometric2F1 ▪ FunctionInjective ▪ FunctionSign ▪
FunctionSingularities ▪ NormalDistribution ▪ MandelbrotSetMemberQ ▪
JuliaSetIterationCount ▪ MathematicalFunctionData ▪ Asymptotic ▪
DiscreteAsymptotic ▪ AsymptoticIntegrate ▪ AsymptoticDSolveValue ▪
AsymptoticSum ▪ AsymptoticProduct ▪ AsymptoticRSolveValue ▪ AsymptoticSolve ▪
AsymptoticExpectation ▪ AsymptoticProbability ▪ Series ▪ AsymptoticLess ▪
AsymptoticLessEqual ▪ AsymptoticGreaterEqual ▪ AsymptoticGreater ▪
AsymptoticEqual ▪ AsymptoticEquivalent ▪ Limit ▪ MinLimit ▪ MaxLimit ▪
DiscreteLimit ▪ DiscreteMinLimit ▪ DiscreteMaxLimit ▪ LaplaceTransform ▪
InverseLaplaceTransform ▪ BilateralLaplaceTransform ▪
InverseBilateralLaplaceTransform ▪ FourierTransform ▪ InverseFourierTransform ▪
FourierSinTransform ▪ InverseFourierSinTransform ▪ MellinTransform ▪
InverseMellinTransform ▪ HankelTransform ▪ InverseHankelTransform ▪
RadonTransform ▪ InverseRadonTransform ▪ ContinuousWaveletTransform ▪
InverseContinuousWaveletTransform ▪ Convolve ▪ MellinConvolve ▪ BodePlot ▪
NyquistPlot ▪ NicholsPlot ▪ SingularValuePlot ▪ Fourier
Strings & Text
String ▪ StringJoin ▪ StringLength ▪ StringSplit ▪ StringTake ▪ StringDrop ▪
TemplateExpression ▪ TemplateSlot ▪ TextCases ▪ TextSentences ▪ StringMatchQ ▪
WordCounts ▪ LetterCounts ▪ WordCount ▪ Classify ▪ LanguageIdentify ▪ WordData ▪
TextStructure ▪ TextContents ▪ FindClusters ▪ ClusteringTree ▪ ClusteringComponents ▪
ClusterClassify ▪ Dendrogram ▪ WordStem ▪ PartOfSpeech ▪ Transliterate ▪
WordFrequencyData ▪ SemanticImport ▪ SpellingCorrectionList ▪ SemanticImportString ▪
TemplateApply ▪ FileTemplateApply ▪ StringRiffle ▪ StringPadLeft ▪ Pluralize ▪
Characters ▪ ToUpperCase ▪ ToCharacterCode ▪ LetterQ ▪ Alphabet ▪ SequenceAlignment ▪
Nearest ▪ HammingDistance ▪ EditDistance ▪ LongestCommonSubsequence ▪ CharacterCounts ▪
TextWords ▪ DictionaryLookup ▪ WordCloud ▪ ToString ▪ ToExpression ▪ Interpreter ▪
SemanticInterpretation ▪ ImportString ▪ ExportString ▪ TextString ▪ Hash ▪ StringForm ▪
StringToByteArray ▪ Compress ▪ Encrypt ▪ FileNameSplit ▪ FileNameTake ▪ FileBaseName ▪
ExpandFileName ▪ URLEncode ▪ URLDecode ▪ URLBuild ▪ URLParse ▪ Import ▪ NotebookImport ▪
FindList ▪ TextRecognize ▪ ToLowerCase ▪ CharacterEncoding ▪ DeleteStopwords ▪
StringTrim ▪ AmbiguityFunction ▪ ExampleData ▪ WikipediaData ▪ WordFrequency ▪ KeySort ▪
TakeLargest ▪ Style ▪ Snippet ▪ StringPartition ▪ InsertLinebreaks ▪ DistanceMatrix ▪
Containing ▪ Alternatives ▪ Entity
Graphs & Networks
Graph ▪ CompleteGraph ▪ RandomGraph ▪ AdjacencyGraph ▪ HighlightGraph ▪
CommunityGraphPlot ▪ GraphLayout ▪ VertexShape ▪ GraphDistance ▪ IsomorphicGraphQ ▪
VertexDegree ▪ HamiltonianGraphQ ▪ ClosenessCentrality ▪ FindShortestPath ▪
FindMaximumFlow ▪ BreadthFirstScan ▪ FindClique ▪ BetweennessCentrality ▪
ConnectedComponents ▪ GraphUnion ▪ FindIsomorphicSubgraph ▪ CanonicalGraph ▪
GraphAssortativity ▪ GlobalClusteringCoefficient ▪ UndirectedEdge ▪ DirectedEdge ▪
VertexList ▪ EdgeList ▪ VertexIndex ▪ EdgeIndex ▪ AdjacencyList ▪ IncidenceList ▪
EdgeRules ▪ PlanarFaceList ▪ AdjacencyMatrix ▪ IncidenceMatrix ▪ KirchhoffMatrix ▪
WeightedAdjacencyMatrix ▪ AnnotationValue ▪ EdgeWeight ▪ VertexWeight ▪ EdgeCapacity ▪
VertexCapacity ▪ VertexCount ▪ EdgeCount ▪ VertexInDegree ▪ VertexOutDegree ▪ GraphHub ▪
MeanGraphDistance ▪ GraphDistanceMatrix ▪ VertexEccentricity ▪ GraphRadius ▪
GraphDiameter ▪ VertexConnectivity ▪ EdgeConnectivity ▪ GraphDensity ▪
GraphLinkEfficiency ▪ DegreeCentrality ▪ EigenvectorCentrality ▪ KatzCentrality ▪
BuckyballGraph ▪ ButterflyGraph ▪ CirculantGraph ▪ CompleteKaryTree ▪ CycleGraph ▪
DeBruijnGraph ▪ GridGraph ▪ HararyGraph ▪ HypercubeGraph ▪ KaryTree ▪ KnightTourGraph ▪
PetersenGraph ▪ StarGraph ▪ TorusGraph ▪ TuranGraph ▪ WheelGraph ▪ PathGraph ▪ TreeGraph ▪
PlanarGraph ▪ RelationGraph ▪ NearestNeighborGraph ▪ NestGraph
Image ▪ Image3D ▪ Rasterize ▪ CurrentImage ▪ ImageMeasurements ▪ ImageType ▪
ImageHistogram ▪ ImageData ▪ ImageValue ▪ ImageAdjust ▪ ImageCompose ▪ ImageAssemble ▪
SetAlphaChannel ▪ ColorConvert ▪ ColorQuantize ▪ ColorReplace ▪ HistogramTransform ▪
ImageAlign ▪ ImageRotate ▪ ImageResize ▪ ImageTransformation ▪ Dilation ▪ Erosion ▪
Opening ▪ Closing ▪ DistanceTransform ▪ Thinning ▪ Pruning ▪ MorphologicalComponents ▪
ImageConvolve ▪ ImageCorrelate ▪ GaussianFilter ▪ GradientFilter ▪ EntropyFilter ▪
EdgeDetect ▪ ImageKeypoints ▪ ImageLines ▪ CrossingDetect ▪ ImageFeatureTrack ▪
RemoveBackground ▪ Binarize ▪ WatershedComponents ▪ ComponentMeasurements ▪
ImageIdentify ▪ ImageContents ▪ ImageCases ▪ ImagePosition ▪ FindFaces ▪ FaceRecognize ▪
FacialFeatures ▪ FaceAlign ▪ TextRecognize ▪ BarcodeRecognize ▪ Inpaint ▪
ImageDeconvolve ▪ BilateralFilter ▪ MeanShiftFilter ▪ TotalVariationFilter ▪
ImageEffect ▪ ImageRestyle ▪ Thumbnail ▪ DynamicImage ▪ ImageFileApply ▪
ImageFileFilter ▪ ImageFileScan ▪ SparseArray ▪ CellularAutomaton ▪ GaussianMatrix ▪
ImageDimensions ▪ ImageChannels ▪ Image3DSlices ▪ Image3DProjection ▪ TopHatTransform ▪
ContourDetect ▪ MinDetect ▪ MaxDetect ▪ RegionBinarize ▪ ClusteringComponents ▪
ImageAdd ▪ ImageSubtract ▪ ImageDifference ▪ ImageMultiply ▪ ImageApply ▪ Blur ▪ Sharpen ▪
GradientOrientationFilter ▪ LaplacianGaussianFilter
RegionNearest ▪ RegionMeasure ▪ RegionCentroid ▪ RegionDistance ▪ Minimize ▪ NMinimize ▪
Region ▪ CanonicalizeRegion ▪ Ball ▪ Simplex ▪ Hexahedron ▪ InfiniteLine ▪ Polygon ▪
CrossingPolygon ▪ RandomPolygon ▪ PolygonDecomposition ▪ Polyhedron ▪ Dodecahedron ▪
Icosahedron ▪ DualPolyhedron ▪ ImplicitRegion ▪ ParametricRegion ▪ MeshRegion ▪
BoundaryMeshRegion ▪ HighlightMesh ▪ MeshCellStyle ▪ MeshCellLabel ▪ RegionUnion ▪
TransformedRegion ▪ RegionIntersection ▪ BooleanRegion ▪ RegionBoundary ▪
DelaunayMesh ▪ VoronoiMesh ▪ ConvexHullMesh ▪ ArrayMesh ▪ ImageMesh ▪ RegionConvert ▪
DiscretizeGraphics ▪ BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics ▪ DiscretizeRegion ▪
BoundaryDiscretizeRegion ▪ PolyhedronData ▪ ExampleData ▪ GeoElevationData ▪
ChemicalData ▪ AnatomyData ▪ KnotData ▪ LaminaData ▪ SolidData ▪ PlaneCurveData ▪
SpaceCurveData ▪ SurfaceData ▪ Printout3D ▪ FindMeshDefects ▪ RepairMesh ▪ ShellRegion ▪
GeometricScene ▪ RandomInstance ▪ FindGeometricConjectures ▪ Point ▪ Line ▪ Triangle ▪
HalfPlane ▪ InfinitePlane ▪ Sphere ▪ Circumsphere ▪ Tetrahedron ▪ Cuboid ▪ Pyramid ▪ Prism ▪
Parallelepiped ▪ Cylinder ▪ Cone ▪ Tube ▪ Torus ▪ FilledTorus ▪ Cube ▪ Octahedron ▪
UniformPolyhedron ▪ PolyhedronCoordinates ▪ InnerPolyhedron ▪ OuterPolyhedron ▪
CSGRegion ▪ CSGRegionQ ▪ CSGRegionTree ▪ Graphics3D ▪ ArcLength ▪ Area ▪ Volume ▪
RegionMember ▪ RegionQ ▪ RegionDimension ▪ CollinearPoints
Sound & Video
Audio ▪ AudioGenerator ▪ AudioPitchShift ▪ AudioLocalMeasurements ▪ LowpassFilter ▪
Spectrogram ▪ AudioCapture ▪ SpeechSynthesize ▪ WebAudioSearch ▪ AudioStream ▪
AudioPlay ▪ Duration ▪ Play ▪ ListPlay ▪ Sound ▪ SoundNote ▪ SampledSoundList ▪
SampledSoundFunction ▪ EmitSound ▪ Beep ▪ Speak ▪ SpokenString ▪ Video ▪ AnimationVideo ▪
TourVideo ▪ SlideShowVideo ▪ SnippetsVideo ▪ VideoFrameList ▪ VideoExtractFrames ▪
VideoTranscode ▪ VideoTrim ▪ ImageResize ▪ VideoFrameMap ▪ VideoIntervals ▪
VideoMapList ▪ VideoMapTimeSeries ▪ FeatureExtract ▪ NetModel ▪ NetTrain ▪ VideoStream ▪
VideoPlay ▪ VideoRecord ▪ RemoveVideoStream ▪ AudioPlot ▪ Periodogram ▪ Cepstrogram ▪
ListPlot ▪ AudioResample ▪ AudioTrim ▪ AudioPad ▪ AudioReverse ▪ AudioDelete ▪
AudioInsert ▪ AudioReplace ▪ AudioPartition ▪ AudioSplit ▪ AudioPan ▪ AudioChannelMix ▪
AudioNormalize ▪ AudioAmplify ▪ ConformAudio ▪ AudioJoin ▪ AudioOverlay ▪
AudioChannelSeparate ▪ AudioChannelCombine ▪ AudioReverb ▪ AudioFade ▪ AudioDelay ▪
AudioTimeStretch ▪ AudioFrequencyShift ▪ AudioSpectralMap ▪
AudioSpectralTransformation ▪ AudioIntervals ▪ AudioMeasurements ▪ AudioAnnotate ▪
ShortTimeFourier ▪ CepstrogramArray ▪ WienerFilter ▪ HighpassFilter ▪ MeanFilter ▪
TotalVariationFilter ▪ AudioIdentify ▪ PitchRecognize ▪ AudioInstanceQ ▪
SpeechRecognize ▪ SpeechCases ▪ SpeechInterpreter ▪ Classify ▪ Predict ▪ Nearest
Knowledge Representation & Natural Language
Entity ▪ EntityValue ▪ EntityList ▪ ResourceObject ▪ ResourceData ▪ Databin ▪
RelationalDatabase ▪ ExternalIdentifier ▪ WikipediaData ▪ WikidataData ▪
WikipediaSearch ▪ WikidataSearch ▪ TakeLargest ▪ TakeSmallest ▪ GreaterThan ▪ LessThan ▪
Between ▪ NearestTo ▪ ContainsAny ▪ ContainsAll ▪ ContainsOnly ▪ ContainsNone ▪
FilteredEntityClass ▪ SortedEntityClass ▪ SampledEntityClass ▪ ExtendedEntityClass ▪
AggregatedEntityClass ▪ CombinedEntityClass ▪ UnionedEntityClass ▪
IntersectedEntityClass ▪ ComplementedEntityClass ▪ CommonName ▪ CanonicalName ▪
EntityTypeName ▪ Dated ▪ GeoPosition ▪ DateObject ▪ Quantity ▪ ToEntity ▪ FromEntity ▪
WolframLanguageData ▪ EntityPrefetch ▪ WolframAlpha ▪ EntityStore ▪ EntityRegister ▪
EntityUnregister ▪ EntityStores ▪ ServiceExecute ▪ WebSearch ▪ WebImageSearch ▪
WebImage ▪ FindTextualAnswer ▪ SemanticInterpretation ▪ SemanticImport ▪ Interpreter ▪
Keys ▪ Values ▪ Select ▪ SelectFirst ▪ Count ▪ Sort ▪ SortBy ▪ Union ▪ DeleteDuplicates ▪
TakeLargestBy ▪ TakeSmallestBy ▪ Lookup ▪ Missing ▪ DeleteMissing ▪ MissingBehavior ▪
JoinAcross ▪ Merge ▪ Function ▪ Query ▪ Association ▪ AssociationMap ▪ AssociationThread ▪
Counts ▪ CountsBy ▪ GroupBy ▪ PositionIndex ▪ Dataset ▪ Restricted ▪ DelimitedSequence ▪
RepeatingElement ▪ CompoundElement ▪ AmbiguityFunction ▪ DateFormat ▪ NumberPoint ▪
GeoLocation ▪ TimeZone ▪ AmbiguityList ▪ Failure
Time-Related Computation
Monday ▪ Tuesday ▪ Wednesday ▪ Thursday ▪ Friday ▪ Saturday ▪ Sunday ▪ DateObject ▪
TimeObject ▪ DateInterval ▪ CalendarType ▪ TimeZone ▪ TimeSystem ▪ DateFormat ▪ Now ▪ Today ▪
Tomorrow ▪ Yesterday ▪ CurrentDate ▪ NextDate ▪ PreviousDate ▪ InfiniteFuture ▪
InfinitePast ▪ DateString ▪ FromDateString ▪ $DateStringFormat ▪ DateList ▪
AbsoluteTime ▪ Clock ▪ DatedUnit ▪ LocalTime ▪ LocalTimeZone ▪ TimeZoneOffset ▪ $TimeZone ▪
$SystemTimeZone ▪ $TimeZoneEntity ▪ CalendarConvert ▪ CalendarData ▪ LeapVariant ▪
DateValue ▪ DayName ▪ DateSelect ▪ DateRange ▪ DatePlus ▪ DateDifference ▪ DateBounds ▪
Duration ▪ MinDate ▪ MaxDate ▪ TimeZoneConvert ▪ TimeSystemConvert ▪ Nearest ▪
DateWithinQ ▪ DateOverlapsQ ▪ DateObjectQ ▪ TimeObjectQ ▪ LeapYearQ ▪ DayRange ▪ DayPlus ▪
DayRound ▪ DayCount ▪ DayMatchQ ▪ BusinessDayQ ▪ Sunrise ▪ Sunset ▪ DaylightQ ▪ SunPosition ▪
MoonPosition ▪ MoonPhase ▪ SiderealTime ▪ JulianDate ▪ FromJulianDate ▪ TimelinePlot ▪
DateListPlot ▪ DateHistogram ▪ DateListLogPlot ▪ StackedDateListPlot ▪ TimeSeries ▪
MovingMap ▪ TimeSeriesMap ▪ DatePattern ▪ UnixTime ▪ FromUnixTime ▪ FromAbsoluteTime ▪
Timing ▪ AbsoluteTiming ▪ TimeConstrained ▪ SessionTime ▪ ScheduledTask ▪ SessionSubmit ▪
LocalSubmit ▪ CloudSubmit ▪ HandlerFunctions ▪ TaskObject ▪ DayHemisphere ▪
NightHemisphere ▪ DayNightTerminator ▪ SolarEclipse ▪ LunarEclipse ▪ SolarTime ▪
GeoVisibleRegion ▪ EventSeries
Geographic Data & Computation
Here ▪ GeoGraphics ▪ DynamicGeoGraphics ▪ GeoImage ▪ GeoPosition ▪ GeoListPlot ▪
GeoBubbleChart ▪ GeoRegionValuePlot ▪ GeoSmoothHistogram ▪ GeoHistogram ▪
GeoVectorPlot ▪ GeoStreamPlot ▪ GeoElevationData ▪ GeoBoundary ▪ GeoArea ▪ GeoLength ▪
GeoDistance ▪ GeoDirection ▪ TravelDirections ▪ TravelDistance ▪ TravelTime ▪ GeoGroup ▪
GeoHemisphere ▪ GeoHemisphereBoundary ▪ GeoVisibleRegion ▪ GeoVisibleRegionBoundary ▪
DayHemisphere ▪ NightHemisphere ▪ DayNightTerminator ▪ GeoBoundsRegion ▪
GeoBoundsRegionBoundary ▪ GeoMarker ▪ Quantity ▪ DMSString ▪ DMSList ▪ FromDMS ▪ GeoPath ▪
Arrow ▪ Polygon ▪ GeoPolygon ▪ GeoCircle ▪ CountryData ▪ CityData ▪ PlanetData ▪ GeoLabels ▪
GeoStyling ▪ Image ▪ GeoStylingImageFunction ▪ GeoBackground ▪ GeoZoomLevel ▪
GeoResolution ▪ GeoScaleBar ▪ GeoRange ▪ GeoCenter ▪ GeoRangePadding ▪ GeoGridRange ▪
GeoGridRangePadding ▪ GeoDisk ▪ GeoProjection ▪ GeoProjectionData ▪ GeoGridLines ▪
GeoGridLinesStyle ▪ GeoGridPosition ▪ GeoModel ▪ GeoGridUnitDistance ▪
GeoGridUnitArea ▪ GeoGridDirectionDifference ▪ WeatherData ▪ AirTemperatureData ▪
LocalTime ▪ Sunrise ▪ TravelDistanceList ▪ GeoVariant ▪ GeoNearest ▪ GeoIdentify ▪
GeoWithinQ ▪ GeoEntities ▪ $GeoLocation ▪ $GeoLocationCountry ▪ $GeoLocationCity ▪
WikipediaSearch ▪ LocalTimeZone ▪ GeoOrientationData ▪ GeomagneticModelData ▪
GeogravityModelData ▪ WikipediaData
Scientific and Medical Data & Computation
Molecule ▪ Atom ▪ Bond ▪ ThermodynamicData ▪ StereochemistryElements ▪
IncludeHydrogens ▪ MoleculePlot ▪ MoleculePlot3D ▪ MoleculeValue ▪ ChemicalFormula ▪
AtomCoordinates ▪ AtomDiagramCoordinates ▪ IncludeAromaticBonds ▪ AtomList ▪
AtomCount ▪ BondList ▪ BondCount ▪ LatticeData ▪ SpectralLineData ▪ PlanckRadiationLaw ▪
StoppingPowerData ▪ FormulaData ▪ NDSolve ▪ NBodySimulation ▪ CellularAutomaton ▪
GenomeLookup ▪ SequenceAlignment ▪ SmithWatermanSimilarity ▪ BioSequence ▪ Dendrogram ▪
ClusterClassify ▪ TreePlot ▪ Graph ▪ SystemModel ▪ SystemModelSimulate ▪
SystemModelPlot ▪ LinearModelFit ▪ DistributionFitTest ▪ LogitModelFit ▪ EventData ▪
SurvivalModelFit ▪ CoxModelFit ▪ Classify ▪ Predict ▪ AnomalyDetection ▪ AnatomyPlot3D ▪
AnatomyStyling ▪ MortalityData ▪ NetModel ▪ Sunrise ▪ Sunset ▪ DaylightQ ▪ DayHemisphere ▪
NightHemisphere ▪ DayNightTerminator ▪ SunPosition ▪ MoonPosition ▪ MoonPhase ▪
SolarEclipse ▪ LunarEclipse ▪ UniverseModelData ▪ BondQ ▪ MoleculeQ ▪ AtomLabels ▪
BondLabels ▪ SolarTime ▪ SiderealTime ▪ LocalTime ▪ JulianDate ▪ FromJulianDate ▪
ChemicalReaction ▪ ReactionBalance ▪ MoleculeGraph ▪ ConnectedMoleculeQ ▪
ConnectedMoleculeComponents ▪ FindCycle ▪ FindPath ▪ FindHamiltonianPath ▪
MoleculeRecognize ▪ MoleculeName ▪ FindIsomers ▪ MoleculeDraw ▪ MoleculeProperty ▪
MoleculeMatchQ ▪ MoleculeContainsQ ▪ MoleculeFreeQ
Engineering Data & Computation
SystemModelExamples ▪ SystemModels ▪ SystemModelSimulate ▪
SystemModelSimulationData ▪ SystemModelSimulateSensitivity ▪ SystemModelPlot ▪
SystemModel ▪ SystemModelParametricSimulate ▪ ParametricFunction ▪ NMinimize ▪
FindMinimum ▪ NMaximize ▪ SystemModelLinearize ▪ FindSystemModelEquilibrium ▪
ConnectSystemModelController ▪ StateSpaceModel ▪ TransferFunctionModel ▪ PIDTune ▪
BodePlot ▪ SystemModelReliability ▪ ReliabilityDistribution ▪ SurvivalFunction ▪
StructuralImportance ▪ ToContinuousTimeModel ▪ ToDiscreteTimeModel ▪
SystemsModelDelay ▪ DescriptorStateSpace ▪ AffineStateSpaceModel ▪
NonlinearStateSpaceModel ▪ SystemsModelSeriesConnect ▪ SystemsModelExtract ▪
SystemsModelFeedbackConnect ▪ SystemsModelDelete ▪ StateResponse ▪ OutputResponse ▪
RootLocusPlot ▪ NyquistPlot ▪ ControllabilityMatrix ▪ ObservabilityMatrix ▪
JordanModelDecomposition ▪ InternallyBalancedDecomposition ▪ StateFeedbackGains ▪
LQEstimatorGains ▪ DiscreteLQRegulatorGains ▪ KalmanEstimator ▪ RiccatiSolve ▪
DiscreteRiccatiSolve ▪ LyapunovSolve ▪ DiscreteLyapunovSolve ▪
EquirippleFilterKernel ▪ BiquadraticFilterModel ▪ ButterworthFilterModel ▪
Chebyshev1FilterModel ▪ Chebyshev2FilterModel ▪ EllipticFilterModel ▪
BesselFilterModel ▪ TransferFunctionTransform ▪ KaiserWindow ▪ DirichletWindow ▪
HammingWindow ▪ BlackmanWindow
Financial Data & Computation
FinancialData ▪ CurrencyConvert ▪ InflationAdjust ▪ FinancialDerivative ▪
FinancialBond ▪ ItoProcess ▪ CandlestickChart ▪ InteractiveTradingChart ▪
TradingChart ▪ RenkoChart ▪ DateListPlot ▪ MovingAverage ▪ ExponentialMovingAverage ▪
LinearModelFit ▪ BlockchainData ▪ BlockchainBlockData ▪ BlockchainTransactionData ▪
TimeValue ▪ EffectiveInterest ▪ Annuity ▪ AnnuityDue ▪ Cashflow ▪ DateObject ▪ DatePlus ▪
DateDifference ▪ DayCount ▪ BusinessDayQ ▪ DatedUnit ▪ FinancialIndicator ▪ KagiChart ▪
PointFigureChart ▪ LineBreakChart ▪ DateFunction ▪ StackedDateListPlot ▪
DateListLogPlot ▪ Probability ▪ Expectation ▪ NormalDistribution ▪ RandomVariate ▪
EstimatedDistribution ▪ SurvivalModelFit ▪ GompertzMakehamDistribution ▪
BenktanderGibratDistribution ▪ BenktanderWeibullDistribution ▪
PoissonDistribution ▪ ExponentialDistribution ▪ CompoundPoissonDistribution ▪
SplicedDistribution ▪ ParetoDistribution ▪ WeibullDistribution ▪
LogNormalDistribution ▪ CompoundPoissonProcess ▪ CompoundRenewalProcess ▪
RandomFunction ▪ EstimatedProcess ▪ TransformedProcess ▪ MortalityData ▪
BlockchainAddressData ▪ BlockchainTokenData ▪ BlockchainBase ▪ $BlockchainBase ▪
GenerateAsymmetricKeyPair ▪ PrivateKey ▪ PublicKey ▪ BlockchainKeyEncode ▪
BlockchainTransaction ▪ BlockchainTransactionSign ▪ BlockchainTransactionSubmit ▪
Social, Cultural & Linguistic Data
EntityValue ▪ Dated ▪ CountryData ▪ CityData ▪ TimeSeries ▪ DateListPlot ▪ MovingAverage ▪
CurrencyConvert ▪ InflationAdjust ▪ FinancialData ▪ Entity ▪ EntityClass ▪ EntityList ▪
RandomEntity ▪ EntityFunction ▪ ResourceData ▪ WikipediaData ▪ WebSearch ▪
WebImageSearch ▪ WordList ▪ WordTranslation ▪ Transliterate ▪ WordFrequencyData ▪
WordData ▪ WikidataData ▪ ExternalIdentifier ▪ DateObject ▪ WeatherData ▪ Sunrise ▪
Sunset ▪ SunPosition ▪ MoonPhase ▪ SolarEclipse ▪ RandomWord ▪ WordDefinition ▪ Synonyms ▪
Antonyms ▪ PartOfSpeech ▪ Alphabet ▪ LanguageIdentify ▪ AlphabeticOrder ▪
TextTranslation ▪ Classify ▪ StringSplit ▪ StringCases ▪ StringCount ▪ Counts ▪ Nearest ▪
TextStructure ▪ DictionaryLookup ▪ DictionaryWordQ ▪ SpellingCorrectionList ▪ Import ▪
IntegerName ▪ Interpreter ▪ SemanticInterpretation ▪ SemanticImportString ▪
FlightData ▪ WeatherForecastData ▪ GeoDistance ▪ TravelDirections ▪
TravelDirectionsData ▪ TravelTime ▪ TravelDistance ▪ GeoGraphics ▪ Graph ▪
CommunityGraphPlot ▪ HighlightGraph ▪ GraphPlot ▪ LayeredGraphPlot ▪ TreePlot ▪
FindClique ▪ FindGraphCommunities ▪ FindKClique ▪ FindKClan ▪ FindKClub ▪ FindKPlex ▪
KCoreComponents ▪ ConnectedComponents ▪ LambdaComponents ▪ LuccioSamiComponents ▪
DegreeCentrality ▪ ClosenessCentrality ▪ BetweennessCentrality ▪
RadialityCentrality ▪ EccentricityCentrality ▪ PageRankCentrality
Notebook Documents & Presentation
CreateDocument ▪ CreateNotebook ▪ DocumentNotebook ▪ TextCell ▪ ExpressionCell ▪
NotebookEvaluate ▪ NotebookImport ▪ SelectionEvaluate ▪ NotebookPrint ▪ Deploy ▪
CellPrint ▪ NotebookLocate ▪ NotebookFileName ▪ NotebookDirectory ▪ Cells ▪ CellObject ▪
SelectedCells ▪ EvaluationCell ▪ ParentCell ▪ NextCell ▪ PreviousCell ▪ Language ▪
TranslationOptions ▪ SpellingOptions ▪ ShowAutoSpellCheck ▪ LanguageCategory ▪
DefaultNaturalLanguage ▪ LineIndent ▪ Invisible ▪ CellGroup ▪ Grid ▪ TabView ▪ OpenerView ▪
SlideView ▪ FlipView ▪ MenuView ▪ StyleDefinitions ▪ Style ▪ Background ▪ CellMargins ▪
Framed ▪ Highlighted ▪ Panel ▪ WindowSize ▪ WindowTitle ▪ Hyperlink ▪ Tooltip ▪ Mouseover ▪
Checkbox ▪ ListAnimate ▪ Manipulate ▪ Defer ▪ Graphics ▪ Inset ▪ GenerateDocument ▪
TemplateApply ▪ NotebookTemplate ▪ StringTemplate ▪ TextString ▪ Pluralize ▪
CloudDeploy ▪ Inactivate ▪ TextGrid ▪ GraphicsGrid ▪ GraphicsColumn ▪ GraphicsRow ▪
TableView ▪ Frame ▪ Alignment ▪ Dividers ▪ Spacings ▪ SpanFromLeft ▪ PopupWindow ▪
Placeholder ▪ Iconize ▪ Short ▪ Shallow ▪ Downsample ▪ $SystemCharacterEncoding ▪
CharacterRange ▪ ToCharacterCode ▪ IntegerName ▪ DelimiterFlashTime ▪
ShowCursorTracker ▪ Notebooks ▪ NotebookObject ▪ SelectedNotebook ▪
EvaluationNotebook ▪ InputNotebook ▪ ButtonNotebook ▪ ParentNotebook ▪ BoxObject ▪
EvaluationBox ▪ ParentBox ▪ Options ▪ SetOptions ▪ CurrentValue
User Interface Construction
Manipulate ▪ Animate ▪ ListAnimate ▪ ControlPlacement ▪ ControlType ▪ Tooltip ▪
Mouseover ▪ StatusArea ▪ PopupWindow ▪ AttachCell ▪ Annotation ▪ MouseAnnotation ▪
Monitor ▪ VerticalSlider ▪ Slider2D ▪ Checkbox ▪ RadioButton ▪ Opener ▪ IntervalSlider ▪
ColorSlider ▪ Setter ▪ Toggler ▪ RadioButtonBar ▪ CheckboxBar ▪ TogglerBar ▪ ListPicker ▪
FormObject ▪ FormFunction ▪ FormControl ▪ TableView ▪ LocatorPane ▪ TouchPosition ▪
FileNameSetter ▪ ColorSetter ▪ Manipulator ▪ ProgressIndicator ▪ ClickPane ▪
ChoiceDialog ▪ CreatePalette ▪ CreateDialog ▪ CreateDocument ▪ FormPage ▪ Interpreter ▪
Ask ▪ AskAppend ▪ AskConfirm ▪ AskedValue ▪ SaveDefinitions ▪ Bookmarks ▪ ControlActive ▪
Control ▪ Locator ▪ Trigger ▪ Slider ▪ PopupMenu ▪ SetterBar ▪ Animator ▪ InputField ▪
ControllerManipulate ▪ TabView ▪ SlideView ▪ FlipView ▪ MenuView ▪ OpenerView ▪ PopupView ▪
Labeled ▪ Framed ▪ Highlighted ▪ Overlay ▪ Panel ▪ Row ▪ Column ▪ Grid ▪ Placeholder ▪ Button ▪
PasteButton ▪ ClickToCopy ▪ ActionMenu ▪ ButtonBar ▪ EventHandler ▪ ControllerState ▪
CurrentValue ▪ GestureHandler ▪ SystemDialogInput ▪ Hyperlink ▪ Dynamic ▪ DynamicModule ▪
MousePosition ▪ Setting ▪ DynamicSetting ▪ Pane ▪ Deploy ▪ Appearance ▪ Deployed ▪ Enabled ▪
AutoAction ▪ Failure ▪ RepeatingElement ▪ CompoundElement ▪ AutoSubmitting ▪ Item ▪
PageTheme ▪ AppearanceRules ▪ FormLayoutFunction ▪ AskFunction ▪ AskDisplay ▪
CloudDeploy ▪ EmbedCode
System Operation & Setup
SystemInformation ▪ PacletObject ▪ PacletInstall ▪ WolframAlpha ▪ LocalObject ▪
LocalSymbol ▪ PersistentObject ▪ TaskObject ▪ CloudSubmit ▪ ScheduledTask ▪
ContinuousTask ▪ DeviceExecute ▪ ServiceExecute ▪ RemoteEvaluate ▪ LocalEvaluate ▪
ParallelEvaluate ▪ CloudEvaluate ▪ SendMessage ▪ $Version ▪ $System ▪ $MachineName ▪
$Username ▪ $UserBaseDirectory ▪ $BaseDirectory ▪ FileSystemScan ▪ FileSystemMap ▪
InitializationValue ▪ Compile ▪ CompilationTarget ▪ Parallelize ▪ $Initialization ▪
$PreInitialization ▪ $InitializationContexts ▪ $CommandLine ▪ SetOptions ▪ Once ▪
$EvaluationEnvironment ▪ $CloudBase ▪ $LocalBase ▪ $LocalSymbolBase ▪ Evaluator ▪
LaunchKernels ▪ $ProcessorCount ▪ $TimeZone ▪ $CharacterEncoding ▪ $Language ▪
$DateStringFormat ▪ $LicenseID ▪ $MachineID ▪ $LicenseServer ▪ $ProcessID ▪ $Post ▪ $Path ▪
$RecursionLimit ▪ $HistoryLength ▪ $ScriptInputString ▪ $ScriptCommandLine ▪
Environment ▪ $BatchInput ▪ $BatchOutput ▪ SendMail ▪ $Echo ▪ $Input ▪ $Output ▪ $IgnoreEOF ▪
$Linked ▪ UsingFrontEnd ▪ PacletInstallSubmit ▪ PacletUninstall ▪ PacletFind ▪
PacletFindRemote ▪ PacletDisable ▪ PacletEnable ▪ PacletNewerQ ▪
$UserBasePacletsDirectory ▪ $BasePacletsDirectory ▪ $AllowDataUpdates ▪
PacletSiteObject ▪ PacletSites ▪ PacletSiteUpdate ▪ PacletSiteRegister ▪
PacletSiteUnregister ▪ CreatePacletArchive ▪ PacletDirectoryLoad
External Interfaces & Connections
Import ▪ Export ▪ SendMail ▪ MailSearch ▪ ExternalEvaluate ▪ ExternalFunction ▪ URLRead ▪
URLSubmit ▪ DeviceRead ▪ DeviceWrite ▪ ExternalValue ▪ StartExternalSession ▪
ExternalSessions ▪ FindExternalEvaluators ▪ StartProcess ▪ RunProcess ▪ ProcessObject ▪
ProcessInformation ▪ EmbedCode ▪ FunctionCompile ▪ FunctionCompileExportLibrary ▪
LibraryFunctionDeclaration ▪ LibraryFunction ▪ Install ▪ LinkRead ▪ LinkWrite ▪
XMLElement ▪ XMLObject ▪ CloudDeploy ▪ APIFunction ▪ URLExecute ▪ SocketConnect ▪
SocketListen ▪ TemplateApply ▪ StringTemplate ▪ FileTemplate ▪ XMLTemplate ▪ DeviceOpen ▪
DeviceConfigure ▪ DeviceClose ▪ Devices ▪ FindDevices ▪ DeviceObject ▪ Set ▪
DeviceReadList ▪ DeviceReadTimeSeries ▪ DeviceReadLatest ▪ DeviceReadBuffer ▪
DeviceWriteBuffer ▪ DeviceExecute ▪ DeviceStreams ▪ BinaryRead ▪ BinaryWrite ▪ Read ▪
Write ▪ ScheduledTask ▪ DeviceExecuteAsynchronous ▪ SessionSubmit ▪ LocalSubmit ▪
CloudSubmit ▪ HandlerFunctions ▪ TaskObject ▪ ImageCapture ▪ CurrentImage ▪
CurrentScreenImage ▪ $ImagingDevices ▪ $ImagingDevice ▪ $DefaultImagingDevice ▪
AudioCapture ▪ AudioStream ▪ AudioRecord ▪ $AudioInputDevices ▪ $AudioOutputDevices ▪
$DefaultAudioInputDevice ▪ $DefaultAudioOutputDevice ▪ ServiceExecute ▪
FindChannels ▪ CreateChannel ▪ ChannelListen ▪ ChannelSubscribers ▪ HostLookup ▪
HTTPRequest ▪ Databin ▪ CreateDatabin ▪ DatabinAdd
Cloud & Deployment
CloudObject ▪ CloudGet ▪ CloudPut ▪ CloudSave ▪ Get ▪ Put ▪ PutAppend ▪ Save ▪ CloudImport ▪
CloudExport ▪ CloudExpression ▪ CloudSymbol ▪ CloudEvaluate ▪ CloudFunction ▪
CloudSubmit ▪ CloudDeploy ▪ CloudPublish ▪ FormFunction ▪ FormPage ▪ AskFunction ▪
ExternalBundle ▪ URLDispatcher ▪ ExportForm ▪ Delayed ▪ AutoRefreshed ▪ ScheduledTask ▪
ContinuousTask ▪ MailReceiverFunction ▪ ChannelReceiverFunction ▪ EmbedCode ▪
ResponseForm ▪ HTTPResponse ▪ HTTPRedirect ▪ HTTPErrorResponse ▪ URLExecute ▪ URLRead ▪
URLSubmit ▪ HTTPRequest ▪ Permissions ▪ $Permissions ▪ CloudLoggingData ▪
CloudAccountData ▪ $CloudCreditsAvailable ▪ RenameFile ▪ $CloudRootDirectory ▪
CloudObjects ▪ CreateUUID ▪ URLShorten ▪ FileFormat ▪ EmbeddedHTML ▪ EmbeddedService ▪
CloudConnect ▪ CloudDisconnect ▪ $CloudConnected ▪ CloudDirectory ▪ CopyFile ▪
GenerateHTTPResponse ▪ APIFunction ▪ EvaluationData ▪ Export ▪ Hyperlink ▪ FormObject ▪
GalleryView ▪ XMLTemplate ▪ TemplateApply ▪ URLDownload ▪ URLDownloadSubmit ▪
Authentication ▪ AuthenticationDialog ▪ SecuredAuthenticationKey ▪ URLEncode ▪
URLDecode ▪ URLQueryEncode ▪ URLBuild ▪ Import ▪ WebExecute ▪ StartWebSession ▪
WebSessionObject ▪ WebWindowObject ▪ WebElementObject ▪ WebSearch ▪ WebImageSearch ▪
WebImage ▪ ServiceExecute ▪ InstallService ▪ XMLElement ▪ XMLObject ▪ PingTime ▪
$NetworkConnected ▪ HostLookup ▪ NetworkPacketCapture
Recent Features
Threaded ▪ MapApply ▪ FeatureImpactPlot ▪ "ExprStruct" ▪
VideoCapture ▪ ReconstructionMesh ▪ RootTree ▪ IntegrateChangeVariables ▪ ImplicitD ▪
ChemicalConvert ▪ UniqueElements ▪ ReplaceAt ▪ QuestionSelector ▪ UnlabeledTree ▪
TypeEvaluate ▪ TreeLeafCount ▪ PhongShading ▪ PatternReaction ▪ OrdinalScale ▪
KernelConfiguration ▪ IncludeSingularSolutions ▪ FractionalD ▪ DropShadowing ▪
VideoScreenCapture ▪ Until ▪ TreeElementShape ▪ TorusGraph ▪ TernaryListPlot ▪
PermutationMatrix ▪ ModelPredictiveController ▪ InertEvaluate ▪ GraphJoin ▪
GeodesicPolyhedron ▪ FromRawPointer ▪ FeatureValueImpactPlot ▪
FeatureValueDependencyPlot ▪ DSolveChangeVariables ▪ CumulativeFeatureImpactPlot ▪
CaputoD ▪ BlockDiagonalMatrix ▪ ApplyReaction ▪ SymmetricDifference ▪
QuestionGenerator ▪ NominalScale ▪ LibraryFunctionDeclaration ▪ GraphSum ▪
GraphProduct ▪ GouraudShading ▪ FlatShading ▪ EstimatedPointNormals ▪
DiscreteInputOutputModel ▪ CircularArcThrough ▪ ChemicalInstance ▪ BuckyballGraph ▪
$DefaultLocalKernels ▪ UpperTriangularMatrix ▪ UnmanageObject ▪ TypeOf ▪ ToRawPointer ▪
TernaryPlotCorners ▪ SameAs ▪ ResidueSum ▪ PlaybackSettings ▪ LowerTriangularMatrix ▪
LocalEvaluate ▪ InfiniteLineThrough ▪ InertExpression ▪ ForAllType ▪ DeleteElements ▪
DeleteAdjacentDuplicates ▪ CreateTypeInstance ▪ CompilerCallback