The Wolfram Solution for Petroleum Engineering
Examine seismic exploration and well log data, evaluate reservoir models and visualize it all in three dimensions.
The Wolfram petroleum engineering solution integrates built-in filtering and frequency analysis functions, interactive graphing features and powerful computational abilities for modeling and simulation—improving efficiency and delivering better production results.
- The Wolfram Edge
- How Wolfram Compares
- Key Capabilities
Wolfram technologies include thousands of built-in functions and curated data on many topics that let you:
- Optimize the development of new fields or production from older ones
- Analyze seismic processing data to map underground reservoirs, integrate with GIS data and then visualize in 3D
- Estimate the amount of oil or gas in a reservoir and the recovery rate with advanced statistics and risk analysis
- Study inflow, leak-off and water injection of reservoirs
- Generate synthetic seismic data to verify the quality of a well tie
- Model and simulate reservoirs and flow in porous media
- Handle velocity anisotropy, anomalies and complex fracture structures
- Extract wavelets from well logs to correlate events with the seismic data
- Improve system reliability
- Estimate the lifetime of mechanical assemblies and components

Does your current tool set have these advantages?
Using original algorithms instead of standard ones lets you develop better reservoir models
Hampson–Russell's black-box tools lock you into standard models -
Analyze well log data with unusual characteristics in nonstandard ways
Other tools allow only a limited choice of analyses -
Build interactive tools into your workflow to efficiently prototype new methods for analyzing seismic exploration and well log data
MATLAB, Excel and the Hampson–Russell suite do not have this capability -
Choose from functional and rule-based programming paradigms as desired to programmatically analyze data
Other computation environments use predominantly procedural languages

Petroleum engineering specific capabilities:
- Filter seismic data with built-in Fourier transforms, frequency domain analysis and filtering functions »
- Built-in volumetric rendering and other 2D and 3D graphics functions to visualize underground structures »
- Easy creation of interactive tools to tweak parameters for prototyping data processing algorithms, models or simulations »
- Fully integrated discrete or continuous high-performance wavelet analysis for thresholding or visualizing in any dimension »
- Built-in curated data on pipelines, oil and gas production and reserves, energy consumption and more »
- Estimate the lifetime of mechanical assemblies and components using built-in survival analysis functionality »
- Complete functionality for reliability analysis, including importance measures for pinpointing subsystems that help improve system reliability »
- Built-in support for more than 4,500 units—including free-form linguistic entry, conversions and dimensional consistency checking across graphics and numeric and symbolic calculations »
- Histograms, statistical distributions and built-in curve fitting functions for analysis of seismic exploration and well log data »
- Easily define and use new distributions from data, formulas or other distributions, including copulas, mixtures order statistics, censoring, truncation and transforms »
- Read in binary seismic trace data for processing and analysis »
- Access curated technical data from Wolfram|Alpha, immediately ready for interactive or programmatic use »
- Import and export common scientific data formulas »
- Symbolic manipulation and optimization of C code and automatic C code generation for immediate use of standalone executables in production systems
- Use rule-based programming to easily create modular import or processing code for nonstandard seismic data files »
- Easy programmability with both symbolic and numeric computations to create sophisticated reservoir models and simulations, perform nonstandard analysis or model the stability of offshore platforms »
- Load and access dynamic libraries and use built-in support for GPU computation with CUDA or OpenCL for high-speed, memory-efficient execution
Wolfram System Modeler is the most complete physical modeling and simulation tool for high-fidelity modeling. With System Modeler, you can:
- Perform hybrid discrete-continuous simulation and model-based design and analysis »
- Perform multidomain lumped system simulation and analysis »
- Connect seamlessly with Mathematica for the ultimate integrated modeling, simulation and analysis workflow
Consulting Solutions
Enlist the world’s computation experts to help with your project—any size, any level. At Wolfram, we know what’s possible with computational technology because we are global leaders in creating it. That gives us an unprecedented depth of expertise in applying it to consulting work in a variety of fields. Whether individual or enterprise, from concept to deployment, our computation experts can help you achieve robust results with less time and effort. Get us started with your project today