The Wolfram Solution for Financial Engineering and Mathematics
Rapidly develop new models and deploy them to analysts and traders. Power front-to-back trading systems with instant computations.
From exploring market behavior to managing portfolios, Wolfram Finance Platform provides state-of-the-art calculations and easy connectivity to databases and web services, as well as high-performance computing with built-in parallel processing that can be scaled to grids of any size.
- The Wolfram Edge
- How Wolfram Compares
- Key Capabilities
Wolfram Finance Platform includes thousands of built-in functions that let you:
- Search for patterns in past data or predict future market movements by developing algorithms and deploying them as tools for traders
- Rapidly prototype products and trading strategies for the world's largest market maker in Eurodollar derivatives
- Access your Bloomberg feeds and link to other data and applications with built-in connectivity tools
- Develop new theories to explain market efficiency
- Build artificial markets to model agent behavior
- Ensure accuracy by backtesting trading strategies and stress testing product models
- Apply new mathematical tools to the pricing and hedging of derivative instruments
- Immediately deploy applications to traders based on analysts' findings
- Develop new models for options and determine optimal asset prices
- Use neural networks and genetic algorithms to create evolving agents for market models
- Perform instant analysis on real-time trading data

Does your current tool set have these advantages?
Powerful symbolic statistical computation and built-in functions for all standard statistical distributions
Advanced symbolic computational capabilities are unique to Mathematica -
Fully automated precision control and arbitrary-precision arithmetic avoid the errors of traditional numeric systems
Excel, MATLAB and other systems relying on machine arithmetic can show critical errors due to numerical accuracy failure -
Gain accuracy and reliability by performing symbolic calculations, not just numeric ones
MATLAB's and Java's built-in routines only handle numeric calculations -
Choose from procedural, functional and rule-based programming paradigms as needed for fast development and deployment
Other computation environments use predominantly procedural languages -
Symbolic capabilities of time-value and bond functions allow for seamless integration with Wolfram Finance Platform's statistics framework for use in financial computations involving uncertain outcomes
Other systems require the purchase of add-ons to add functionality -
Having an integrated environment streamlines development, analysis, documentation and delivery of custom financial models
Traditional programming languages like C/C++ don't have all the built-in computations and capabilities of Mathematica

Wolfram Finance Platform includes thousands of built-in functions for financial computation, modeling, visualization, development and deployment, including:
- Immediate computation on streaming data from Bloomberg »
- Comprehensive derivative calculations, including American, European and exotic derivative pricing; Greeks; and implied volatility »
- Symbolic and numeric time-value-of-money computations including valuation of lump-sum amounts, annuities and continuous or discrete cash flow streams »
- Calculation of effective interest rates for continuous- or discrete-time processes and term structures »
- Bond computation functions for values, sensitivity measures, accrued interest and calendar measurements using continuous- and discrete-time coupon or interest rate processes and term structures »
- Built-in financial data, including current and historic market data, plus programmatic and interactive access to financial and economic data from Wolfram|Alpha
- Instant interactive financial charts, with more than 100 built-in financial indicators available for display »
- Automated report creation, PDF export and interactive deployment with Wolfram Player or webMathematica to deliver results to management or clients
- Built-in standard probability distributions, including distributions based on data or other distributions and statistical analysis tools »
- The most advanced symbolic and numeric calculus system, including numeric integration and differential equation solving »
- A comprehensive system for discrete calculus, including difference equations, generating functions and sequence visualization »
- Seamless integration of R, C and C++ code into your workflow.
- Advanced IDE for a rapid development workflow for computation-centric applications »
- Support for GPU computing and built-in parallel processing that can be easily scaled up to a full grid for enterprise solutions
- Integrated random processes, signal processing and graphs and networks functionality
- Efficient random number generation for Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques »
- Import and export all common data formats, including XML, XLS, CSV and TSV or use Mathematica Link for Excel to run Mathematica and Excel side by side
- Use highly customizable interactive gauges to convey spreadsheets' worth of information with a single glance »

Consulting Solutions
Enlist the world’s computation experts to help with your project—any size, any level. At Wolfram, we know what’s possible with computational technology because we are global leaders in creating it. That gives us an unprecedented depth of expertise in applying it to consulting work in a variety of fields. Whether individual or enterprise, from concept to deployment, our computation experts can help you achieve robust results with less time and effort. Get us started with your project today