Making Documents
Make title, section, text, etc. cells in a notebook:
Notes for Java programmers:
Wolfram Language notebooks support full formatting and styling, unlike Java source files, which are typically plain text and not designed for presentation.
Notes for Python programmers:
Wolfram Language notebooks natively support full formatting and styling for creating reports, presentations and other rich, computationally interactive documents for the desktop, mobile devices and the web with the Wolfram Cloud. With three decades of development, Wolfram Language notebooks serve as the original inspiration for other notebook interfaces, such as the static web-based Jupyter—which lacks hierarchal structure and the ability to collapse cells.
Grid lays out a grid:

When available, New Template Notebook lets you create a template notebook:
GenerateDocument generates a document from the template, evaluating template expressions and filling in template slots from an association that is supplied.
Notes for Python programmers:
Template notebooks can be symbolically manipulated like any other construct in the Wolfram Language. Appending new information to fill in template slots are done cleanly and efficiently with the many built-in functions, such as TemplateApply, available for document generation.
Like everything else in the Wolfram Language, documents are symbolic expressions that can be manipulated.