Quick Start to Wolfram Tech
- Instructor Led
- 2 h 30 min
- Beginner
- 1 Certification
Estimated Time: 2 h 30 min
Course Level: Beginner
Requirements: This course requires no prior knowledge of Wolfram Language or Mathematica.
Certification Levels: Completion

This course introduces core technologies for getting started quickly with the Wolfram technology stack. Learn to work with Wolfram Notebooks in the cloud as well as on your desktop and familiarize yourself with the syntax and programming fundamentals of Wolfram Language. Scheduled as online and in-person classes, this course provides comprehensive instruction guided by a live instructor. No prior experience with Wolfram Language is required. Certificate of course completion available.
Featured Products & Technologies: Mathematica, Wolfram Cloud, Wolfram Language, Wolfram Notebooks
- Overview of Wolfram Tech: Learn how to work with Wolfram Notebooks on the desktop and in the Wolfram Cloud. Access Wolfram repositories to help you get started with example data, neural networks and code. Program and deploy with the Wolfram Cloud.
- Learn to Code: Understand Wolfram Language syntax and expressions to apply symbolic and functional programming techniques. Tap into the world's largest network of built-in algorithms.
- Solve Computational Problems with Wolfram Tech: Use natural language to compute with real-world data in Wolfram Language. Learn about data structures for computational analysis.
- Practice Exercises: Example problems show you how to do data analysis, visualizations and machine learning in Wolfram Language.
- Register Now
Thursday, September 263–5pm KST | Online | 275,000.00 (KRW) - Register Now
Thursday, September 26
1–3:30pm CDT, 6–8:30pm UTC/GMT| Online | FreeYour local time - Register Now
Thursday, November 7
1–3:30pm CST, 7–9:30pm UTC/GMT| Online | FreeYour local time - Register Now
Monday, October 73–5pm KST | Online | 275,000.00 (KRW) - Register Now
Friday, November 83–5pm KST | Online | 275,000.00 (KRW) - Register Now
Thursday, December 1910am–5pm KST | Seoul, Korea | ₩385,000
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Certifications Available
Completion Certificate
Certify your completion of this course by attending an online class and passing the quiz.