Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

WolframAudio ComputationA CORE PART OF

Audio Processing & Analysis.

Wolfram Audio Computation offers highly optimized processing and high-level analysis of speech, music and other audio signals. Tight integration with machine learning and neural networks enables solutions in automated systems, security, medicine and more.

Audio as a First-Class Citizen

Use generated or imported audio data and files as interactive elements of notebooks or as input and output to a wide range of processing, analysis and visualization functions.

Audio Visualization & Analysis

Visually and programmatically inspect, understand and analyze audio signals. Perform feature extraction and dimensionality reduction on collections of audio recordings.

Filtering & Noise Removal

Perform audio enhancement or create audio effects. Immediately access a large collection of highly optimized filters or design your own custom filters.

Machine Learning for Audio

Immediately use functions based on machine learning and neural network models to perform analysis, identification and recognition of speech, music, medical and other audio recordings, or create and train your own models.

Understanding Speech & Speakers

Detect, recognize or synthesize speech to build speech-enabled applications. Classify collections of recordings, or extract properties of spoken content using machine learning and neural networks.

Sound Generation & Audio Effects

Generate new and arbitrary audio signals from text, data and functions. Apply creative audio effects, such as reverberations, or create your own using a variety of audio functions.

Acoustical Analysis

Simulate sound propagation or model and analyze acoustic devices by solving time or frequency domain partial differential equations. Literally hear the difference in acoustics designs.

Efficient Import & Export

Easily and efficiently import recorded audio, capture audio from connected devices or search the web for audio data. Process recorded signals and export results to any audio format.

Wolfram Audio Computation Documentation

Wolfram Audio Computation is an integrated part of Wolfram Language. The full system contains over 6,000 built-in functions covering all areas of computation—all carefully integrated so they work perfectly together.

Wolfram Language
Full Scope & Documentation
AudioIdentify ▪ SpeechRecognize ▪ PitchRecognize ▪ SpeechSynthesize ▪ Spectrogram ▪ Cepstrogram ▪ Periodogram ▪ LowpassFilter ▪ AudioReverb ▪ AudioDelay ▪ AudioTimeStretch ▪ AudioPitchShift ▪ AudioIntervals ▪ AudioLocalMeasurements ▪ AudioMeasurements ▪ WebAudioSearch ▪ AudioGenerator ▪ AudioCapture ▪ AudioJoin ▪ AudioSplit ▪ SpeechCases ▪ SpeechInterpreter ▪ Classify ▪ FindClusters ▪ FeatureSpacePlot ▪ Export ▪ AudioQ ▪ AudioLength ▪ AudioChannels ▪ AudioAnnotationLookup ▪ AudioPause ▪ AudioStop ▪ AudioStreams ▪ RemoveAudioStream ▪ InverseShortTimeFourier ▪ $AudioOutputDevices ▪ Annotation ▪ EventHandler ▪ Hyperlink ▪ Legended ▪ StatusArea ▪ Style ▪ Tooltip ▪ Labeled ▪ Placed ▪ Above ▪ Below ▪ Before ▪ After ▪ Filling ▪ FillingStyle ▪ LabelingFunction ▪ LabelingSize ▪ PlotLabels ▪ PlotMarkers ▪ PlotStyle ▪ PopupWindow ▪ Button ▪ Callout ▪ ListPlot ▪ PointValuePlot ▪ UpTo ▪ Weights ▪ DistanceFunction ▪ CriterionFunction ▪ CanberraDistance ▪ SquaredEuclideanDistance ▪ DiceDissimilarity ▪ MatchingDissimilarity ▪ HammingDistance ▪ ClusteringMeasurements ▪ ClusteringComponents ▪ Partition ▪ Gather ▪ DistanceTransform ▪ MeanShift ▪ FittedModel ▪ AnomalyDetector ▪ Identity ▪ FeatureTypes ▪ IndeterminateThreshold ▪ MissingValueSynthesis ▪ RecalibrationFunction ▪ TimeGoal ▪ UtilityFunction ▪ ValidationSet ▪ TrainingProgressReporting ▪ Print ▪ ProgressIndicator ▪ Inherited ▪ Information ▪ ClassPriors ▪ Indeterminate ▪ FeatureNames ▪ LearnedDistribution ▪ AbsoluteTiming ▪ Log ▪ RandomSeeding ▪ ClassifierMeasurements ▪ Predict ▪ ActiveClassification ▪ SequencePredict ▪ ClusterClassify ▪ LogitModelFit ▪ DimensionReduce ▪ Restricted ▪ DelimitedSequence ▪ AnySubset ▪ CloudObject ▪ GrammarRules ▪ QuantityVariable ▪ EntityValue ▪ AmbiguityFunction ▪ GeoLocation ▪ $GeoLocation ▪ TimeZone ▪ $TimeZone ▪ CompoundElement ▪ RepeatingElement ▪ DateObject ▪ Failure ▪ GeoPosition ▪ SemanticInterpretation ▪ APIFunction ▪ FormFunction ▪ GrammarToken ▪ ToExpression ▪ $InterpreterTypes ▪ Containing ▪ Verbatim ▪ VerifyInterpretation ▪ Alternatives ▪ Cases ▪ Interpreter ▪ Split ▪ StringSplit ▪ AudioOverlay ▪ AudioChannelCombine ▪ AudioData ▪ Join ▪ StringJoin ▪ File ▪ $DefaultAudioInputDevice ▪ $AudioInputDevices ▪ AnnotationRules ▪ Appearance ▪ AudioChannelAssignment ▪ AudioInputDevice ▪ AudioLabel ▪ AudioOutputDevice ▪ $DefaultAudioOutputDevice ▪ CaptureRunning ▪ MaxDuration ▪ SoundVolume ▪ AudioStream ▪ AudioRecord ▪ SystemDialogInput ▪ ImageCapture ▪ DeviceReadTimeSeries ▪ NetworkPacketCapture ▪ DiscreteMarkovProcess ▪ ListPlay ▪ Play ▪ SampledSoundList ▪ RandomVariate ▪ RandomFunction ▪ RandomReal ▪ Sin ▪ SawtoothWave ▪ TriangleWave ▪ SquareWave ▪ VideoGenerator ▪ VideoCombine ▪ URL ▪ MaxItems ▪ WebSearch ▪ WikipediaSearch ▪ WebImageSearch ▪ ServiceExecute ▪ $ServiceCreditsAvailable ▪ Min ▪ AudioNormalize ▪ AudioSampleRate ▪ ImageMeasurements ▪ List ▪ Rule ▪ AudioPad ▪ Dataset ▪ WarpingCorrespondence ▪ AudioDistance ▪ AudioPartition ▪ Left ▪ Right ▪ AudioDelete ▪ VideoIntervals ▪ VideoSplit ▪ Scaled ▪ HannWindow ▪ VideoTimeStretch ▪ AudioResample ▪ Duration ▪ AudioType ▪ AudioTrackApply ▪ TemporalData ▪ Image ▪ Image3D ▪ BlackmanWindow ▪ HammingWindow ▪ BandpassFilter ▪ BandstopFilter ▪ DifferentiatorFilter ▪ HilbertFilter ▪ LeastSquaresFilterKernel ▪ ListConvolve ▪ ImageConvolve ▪ ScalingFunctions ▪ ListLinePlot ▪ Pi ▪ ImagePeriodogram ▪ FindRepeat ▪ Video ▪ Graphics ▪ FourierParameters ▪ Padding ▪ PaddingSize ▪ Tiny ▪ Small ▪ Medium ▪ Large ▪ Full ▪ CepstrogramArray ▪ CepstrumArray ▪ PeriodogramArray ▪ Length ▪ DirichletWindow ▪ ArrayPlot ▪ AlignmentPoint ▪ AspectRatio ▪ Axes ▪ AxesLabel ▪ AxesOrigin ▪ AxesStyle ▪ Background ▪ BaselinePosition ▪ BaseStyle ▪ ClippingStyle ▪ ColorFunctionScaling ▪ ColorFunction ▪ ColorRules ▪ ContentSelectable ▪ CoordinatesToolOptions ▪ DataRange ▪ DataReversed ▪ Epilog ▪ FormatType ▪ TraditionalForm ▪ Frame ▪ FrameLabel ▪ FrameStyle ▪ FrameTicks ▪ FrameTicksStyle ▪ GridLines ▪ GridLinesStyle ▪ ImageMargins ▪ ImagePadding ▪ ImageSize ▪ LabelStyle ▪ MaxPlotPoints ▪ Mesh ▪ MeshStyle ▪ GrayLevel ▪ GoldenRatio ▪ PlotLabel ▪ PlotLegends ▪ PlotRangeClipping ▪ PlotRangePadding ▪ PlotRegion ▪ PlotTheme ▪ $PlotTheme ▪ PreserveImageOptions ▪ Prolog ▪ RotateLabel ▪ SampleRate ▪ TargetUnits ▪ Ticks ▪ TicksStyle ▪ PlotRange ▪ InverseSpectrogram ▪ SpectrogramArray ▪ Fourier ▪ AudioSpectralTransformation ▪ $WolframDocumentsDirectory ▪ GeneratedAssetFormat ▪ $GeneratedAssetLocation ▪ OverwriteTarget ▪ False ▪ True ▪ Infinity ▪ Association ▪ GeneratedAssetLocation ▪ AudioPlay ▪ Speak ▪ SpokenString ▪ Alignment ▪ Center ▪ MetaInformation ▪ MissingDataMethod ▪ None ▪ ResamplingMethod ▪ Sound ▪ AllowedFrequencyRange ▪ SoundNote ▪ ProgressReporting ▪ $ProgressReporting ▪ Language ▪ Method ▪ VideoTranscribe ▪ TextRecognize ▪ TextCases ▪ Entity ▪ Masking ▪ All ▪ $PerformanceGoal ▪ Automatic ▪ TargetDevice ▪ PerformanceGoal ▪ Missing ▪ $LocalBase ▪ LocalObjects ▪ ResourceRemove ▪ AcceptanceThreshold ▪ SpecificityGoal ▪ AudioBlockMap ▪ WordCloud ▪ FeatureExtract ▪ ImageIdentify ▪ HighpassFilter ▪ GaussianFilter ▪ Quantity ▪ BiquadraticFilterModel ▪ ButterworthFilterModel ▪ ToDiscreteTimeModel ▪ RecurrenceFilter ▪ TransferFunctionModel ▪ AudioChannelMix ▪ NumericFunction ▪ Listable ▪ Tanh ▪ ChebyshevT ▪ PartitionGranularity ▪ TimeSeries ▪ ClassifierFunction ▪ FeatureExtraction ▪ FeatureExtractorFunction ▪ NetMeasurements ▪ ExampleData ▪ ResourceData ▪ LanguageIdentify ▪ SpeakerMatchQ ▪ AudioLoudness ▪ AudioFrequencyShift ▪ VoiceStyleData ▪ $VoiceStyles ▪ FeatureSpacePlot3D ▪ FeatureExtractor ▪ NetModel ▪ NetTrain ▪ GatedRecurrentLayer ▪ LongShortTermMemoryLayer ▪ CTCLossLayer ▪ AudioAnnotate ▪ AnnotationKeys ▪ AnnotationValue ▪ AnnotationDelete ▪ AudioReplace ▪ Audio ▪ Import ▪ AudioPlot ▪ AudioAmplify ▪ AudioTrim ▪ WienerFilter ▪ MeanFilter ▪ TotalVariationFilter ▪ ShortTimeFourier ▪ Mean ▪ Variance ▪ Median ▪ Quantile ▪ AudioInstanceQ ▪ Nearest ▪ NetEncoder ▪ NetChain ▪ NetGraph ▪

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