Uses and Examples of System Modeler
Develop realistic models and digital twins for any industry with System Modeler. Core built-in components and custom libraries can represent elements and processes in any domain. Download a trial to experiment with the dynamic models yourself.

Allosteric Regulation Explained with ATCase
Allosteric regulation is a prime drug target because it reduces the risk of overdose and side effects and can be used to fine-tune pharmacological processes. This model studies a naturally occurring allosteric reaction: the first step in the pyrimidine synthesis, catalyzed by the allosteric enzyme aspartate carbamoyltransferase (ATCase).

Arduino Robot Arm
The Wolfram Model Plug library allows you to connect your simulation models to the real world using Arduino boards, thereby further increasing the capability for fast prototyping in System Modeler. Here, we will show how Model Plug can be used to interactively control a robot arm from a control panel.

Ball and Beam: Deploy Controller to Hardware
Implement the V-model for control system design, deployment and testing. Model your system in System Modeler, then design a controller in the Wolfram Language. Use the Microcontroller Kit to generate automated code and deploy it into a microcontroller. Subsequently, validate your standalone model with the control targets. This example shows how to design, deploy and test a PID controller to balance a ball on a beam.

Buck-Boost Converter
Buck-boost converters are used both to step up voltage from a lower level to a higher level and to step down voltage from a higher level to a lower level. Buck-boost converters can be found in applications where the supply voltage changes over time, such as battery-powered applications.

Chemical Equilibrium
Most chemical reactions are not irreversible and in fact go in both directions. However, all reversible reactions reach a steady state in which the concentrations of the substrates within the reaction become constant. In this example, you will learn to model a reversible chemical reaction and analyze the dynamics of the reaction. You will learn about equilibrium constants and reaction rates.

Chemical Reactions
When doing a chemical experiment, it is useful to know how much product you will obtain when you mix certain amounts of reactants. This is particularly useful in real-world settings, such as in chemical production or chemical analysis. In this example, you will learn how to predict the outcome of a reaction, given the initial amounts of reactants and the ratio between the products and substrates.

Combinational Circuits: Create a 3-Bit Adder
Combinational circuits are used to perform Boolean algebra on input signals and on stored data. They are made up of basic logic gates that are combined to produce powerful switching circuits. In this example, you will create a 3-bit adder and connect to hardware using Arduinos.

Control Indoor Air Quality for Room Comfort
It is often noted that CO2 causes global warming, but keeping track of CO2 concentrations is also an important aspect of preserving indoor air quality. This example shows how you can control the concentration of CO2 in a room and subsequently check if climate change puts more pressure on the ventilation system.

Controlled Mixing Unit
An important control problem is to design controllers for nonlinear systems using model inversion control. The following example uses an InverseBlockConstraints component to easily construct inverse models. It also uses the Modelica_Synchronous Library to automatically discretize the continuous-time nonlinear feedforward controller.

Dynamics: Design a Cell Phone Camera Stabilizer
Have you ever been annoyed by watching shaky footage taken by your cell phone? In that case, you might have thought about using a gimbal or a camera stabilizer. Ever wondered how they work? In this example, you will understand the dynamics behind them and design your own camera stabilizer.

Electrical Circuit Reliability
A model can be used for many things, and one of them is the possibility to calculate the reliability for the system modeled. With information about the lifetime of each component, the lifetime of the complete system can be studied. In this example, we look at how heat affects the mean time to failure (MTTF) for an amplifier.

Employee Management
Recruitment and training of new employees need to be carefully planned to prevent shortages or surpluses. Using this example, a human resource manager or decision maker can vary the control parameters that relate to aspects of the human resource planning (HRP) process to test different HRP strategies.

Evaluating the Robustness of a Temperature State Estimator
This model analyzes the robustness of a state estimator, taking measurements from an electrical radiator. The state estimator blends together different measurements and a model of the system in order to estimate the current radiator temperature. To evaluate the robustness, noise is added using blocks from the Modelica.Noise library.

Flip‐flops are digital logic circuits commonly used in processes where there is a need for digital data storage and transfer. In this example we will use the Digital library, a part of the Modelica Standard Library, to demonstrate the use of basic logic gates in a pulse‐triggered master‐slave flip‐flop.

Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier
Many applications require direct current, DC. However, transporting direct current through the power lines has several disadvantages compared to alternating current, AC. AC can be used in transformers and allows for higher-efficiency power conversion and transmission. For the electricity found in power outlets to be used in DC circuits, it first needs to be converted into direct current. One way to do this is to use a full-wave bridge rectifier.

Genetic Testing
Genetic testing is an important tool, not only in clinical settings but also in research. In this example, you will explore how DNA is manipulated in genetic testing. You will use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify a DNA sample and then use electrophoresis to diagnose patients with genetic diseases.

G-Protein‐Coupled Receptors
Of all currently used therapeutic drugs, about 40-50% are centered on the mechanisms of so-called G-protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here, we use the SBML import function in Wolfram System Modeler to import a model that describes the behavior of GPCRs and G proteins in a yeast cell.

Gyroscopic Precession
Gyroscopic effects have been a source of both amazing engineering and amusement for many people. This phenomenon affects a variety of applications. The most obvious might be the helicopter, which behaves in a quite surprising way. In this example, the concept of gyroscopic precession is explored.

Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium
The Hardy–Weinberg principle is a fundamental principle in population genetics. It describes populations that are no longer undergoing evolution and thus reach a steady state. In this example, you will learn to construct a genetic inheritance model and analyze scenarios when the assumptions of Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium are violated.

Herd Immunity
When a large percentage of the population becomes immune to a disease such as COVID-19, you can consider the population to be protected from the disease by herd immunity. This means that although 100% of the population may not be vaccinated, a sufficient proportion of the population is, and the rate of infection starts to decrease. In this example, you will investigate the concept of herd immunity using the SIR (susceptible, infected and recovered) model.

Heterogenous Equilibrium
Heterogenous equilibrium refers to reversible reactions where the substrates of the reactions are in different phases. One of the most useful types of such reactions is where a solid is dissolved in an aqueous solution. In this example, you will learn about heterogenous equilibrium and understand the concept of solubility.

Inverted Pendulum: Symbolic Model Linearization
Linearization makes it possible to use tools for linear systems to study nonlinear systems around an operating point. In this example, an inverted pendulum is linearized around its upright position. The goal is to analyze the behavior of the controlled inverted pendulum system for varying lengths of the pendulum.

The classic Lotka–Volterra model was originally proposed to explain variations in fish populations in the Mediterranean, but it has since been used to explain the dynamics of any predator-prey system in which certain assumptions are valid. Here, using System Modeler, the oscillations of the snowshoe hare and the lynx are explored.

Natural Selection
Natural selection is fundamental in understanding how populations evolve over time. It helps with understanding why some traits die out while others flourish. In this example, you will explore the effect that environmental selection pressures have on the genetic makeup of a population.

Rate Laws
Chemical reactions occur at different rates and vary widely in the speeds at which they occur. Some reactions occur very fast; for example, an explosion or combustion of fuel in a race car. In this example, you are going to work with chemical kinetics and the study of rates of chemical processes. You will learn how to calculate rate, reaction order and half-life of a reaction.

Room Heating
Ever wondered what the power rating of the radiator in your house should be, or how the ambient conditions affect your room temperature? This example will model all the components of a house and combine them to see how your room temperature changes with ambient temperature fluctuations.

Sex-Linked Inheritance
Not all traits are inherited on autosomes—there are a large number of traits inherited on the sex chromosomes. In this example, you will explore how traits are inherited on the sex chromosomes and how this affects the proportion of individuals with each genotype in the population.

Tennis Racket Theorem (Dzhanibekov Effect)
The tennis racket theorem or the Dzhanibekov effect states that for a rigid body with three unique moments of inertia, rotation about the intermediate axis is unstable, while rotation about the other two axes is stable. You can see this theorem in action in this wing nut example.

Tennis Racket Theorem (Dzhanibekov Effect)
The tennis racket theorem or the Dzhanibekov effect states that for a rigid body with three unique moments of inertia, rotation about the intermediate axis is unstable, while rotation about the other two axes is stable. You can see this theorem in action in this wing nut example.

Train Physics
When a train is moving, the forces acting between the railcars while braking are very strong. This wears out or even breaks the couplings between the railcars. In this example, you will examine different designs for the couplings and through this learn about the spring and damper systems.

Trampoline Physics
A trampoline is a recreational device consisting of fabric stretched between a steel frame, using many springs. However, using it can be dangerous if the jumper loses control and falls. In this example, you will analyze the dynamics of the jumper by changing different parameters such as the weight of the jumper, the tilt of the ground and the jumper’s initial velocity.

Understanding Impact of Campaigns
Have you ever tried to understand the structure of a problem using qualitative models? Using causal loop diagrams, you can quickly create such models that are easy to understand. This example shows a causal loop model for the world dynamics in order to understand how a campaign can reduce the environmental load.

UPS Reliability
An Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is used to protect electrical devices such as computers from power failures, when the main power fails. Using a model where both the physical behavior and the reliability is modeled, conclusions can be drawn about both the switching behavior and the system reliability.

Vibrations: Understand the Dynamics of a Washing Machine
Do you find it surprising that your washing machine starts to vibrate vigorously at a certain rotational speed? Why does this happen, and what can you do to avoid it? In this example, we will analyze the cause of these vibrations and tweak certain parameters to see if they can be minimized.
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