Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

The Wolfram Solution for Bioinformatics

Pull in your data or ours, apply sophisticated symbolic and numeric analysis, visualize, generate interactive reports or instant applications—all in one system, with one integrated workflow.

The Wolfram bioinformatics solution seamlessly integrates specialized capabilities—like built-in computable genome and protein data and sequence alignment—while providing the most automated and reliable computation, development and deployment environment available.

  • The Wolfram Edge
  • How Wolfram Compares
  • Key Capabilities

Wolfram technologies include thousands of built-in functions that let you:

  • Model biological systems with Wolfram System Modeler
  • Rapidly search the human genome
  • Generate sequence alignments in a computable form
  • Quickly visualize large-scale sequence alignments
  • Rapidly compare gene structures
  • Visualize biological reaction networks with Wolfram System Modeler
  • Generate accurate protein renderings using integrated protein structure, element and color data
  • Instantly visualize protein sequence alignments
  • Use built-in protein structure data to generate Ramachandran plots, visualize protein folds and more
  • Visualize gene interaction networks
  • Rapidly develop and test algorithms
  • Easily integrate legacy data with ready-to-use curated genomic and protein data in a powerful computational environment
  • Construct interactive applications and deploy them immediately with the Wolfram Player
Analyzing processes in the glucose-insulin system with Wolfram System Modeler
Visualizing protein folds using built-in protein structure data

Does your current tool set have these advantages?

  • Free-form linguistic input produces immediate results without the need for syntax
    Unique to Wolfram technologies
  • Built-in curated genomic and proteomic data, ready for use without preprocessing
    Unique to Wolfram technologies
  • High-level language with automated interface construction for quick prototyping of applications
    BioPerl, BioJava and BioPython require extensive programming to prototype interactive applications
  • Powerful integrated statistical and graphical tools for analyzing genomic, proteomic and other data
    R projects like Bioconductor focus on genomic data only
  • Built-in high-level computation and automatic report generation
    BioPerl, BioJava and BioPython do not include automatic report generation
  • Easy-to-use parallel computing capabilities for solving computation- or data-intensive problems on multicore computers
    Extensive programming is required to parallelize processes in all other systems
  • Complete high-level workflow enabled by symbolic function architecture
    R does not have symbolic functionality built in
Studying glycolytic oscillations in yeast cells with Wolfram System Modeler
Designing novel visualizations of gene interaction networks

Wolfram System Modeler is the most complete physical modeling and simulation tool for high-fidelity modeling. Capabilities include:

Organizations Using Wolfram Technologies

Abbott Labs Amgen Bayer Bristol-Myers Squibb Eli Lilly GlaxoSmithKline Max Planck Institute Pfizer Roche Diagnostics

Consulting Solutions

Enlist the world’s computation experts to help with your project—any size, any level. At Wolfram, we know what’s possible with computational technology because we are global leaders in creating it. That gives us an unprecedented depth of expertise in applying it to consulting work in a variety of fields. Whether individual or enterprise, from concept to deployment, our computation experts can help you achieve robust results with less time and effort. Get us started with your project today